
Product Velocity is Dependent on Product Security

The Cost of Security Stepping in Too Late

It’s a common problem: product development is moving fast, but once security steps in late, everything slows down. As companies grow and products become more complex, security often gets pushed to the end of the process. By then, code is written, deadlines are looming, and vulnerabilities surface. The result? Expensive delays and missed opportunities:

  • Development teams scramble to rework code, adding up to 40% more time to the release cycle.
  • Release schedules slip, increasing operational costs by 20-30%.
  • Customers grow frustrated as features are delayed, leading to negative feedback.
  • The relationship between Security and Engineering becomes strained, slowing progress even further.

This isn’t just frustrating—it’s costly. Fixing security issues late in the process can cost up to 10 times more than addressing them earlier​. The core issue? Security and engineering aren’t working together early enough.

It's a People, Process, and Technology Problem

Today, companies rely on traditional security processes such as Security Design Reviews, Threat Modeling, and Security Champions programs to bridge the gap between Security and Engineering. According to the SANS DevSecOps Survey, most organizations recognize the value of up-front risk assessments, with over 80% of respondents acknowledging the benefits of early security involvement. However, few consistently implement these assessments early in the development process.

Why? It’s not just a technology issue—it’s a people and process problem too. Security design reviews and threat modeling are often manual, time-consuming, and difficult to scale across fast-moving development cycles. Programs like Security Champions, while valuable in theory, suffer from inconsistent adoption and execution, leaving critical gaps that can be costly to address later.

In a world where businesses need to move quickly to stay competitive, relying on manual, late-stage security processes becomes a significant bottleneck. Addressing vulnerabilities during the design phase is up to 10x cheaper and 70% faster than fixing them post-release​. For organizations that rely on fast, iterative releases, every delay can compound, affecting market share, customer satisfaction, and overall growth.

Prime Security’s Approach

At Prime Security, we focus on maintaining product velocity by seamlessly integrating security into the planning and design phases, without disrupting existing workflows. Our platform connects directly with your company’s development tools—like Jira and Confluence—so security becomes part of the process without requiring developers to change their behavior. By automating the identification of risks and providing full visibility into potential issues before any code is written, Prime Security enables teams to take a preventative approach, addressing critical concerns early and keeping development on track. Rather than overwhelming developers with complex security tasks, we simplify the process by offering clear, actionable insights that allow Security and Engineering to collaborate efficiently. Prime Security delivers immediate time-to-value, with actionable insights available within 24 hours of implementation, ensuring teams can avoid last-minute delays and keep the development pipeline running smoothly.

Final Thoughts

When security is left to the end of the development process, product velocity inevitably suffers. But when Security and Engineering collaborate from the start, teams can avoid delays, meet their deadlines, and deliver secure, reliable products faster. By embedding security in the design phase, companies not only prevent costly delays but also gain a competitive advantage by consistently delivering secure, high-quality products at speed. At Prime Security, we help companies shift security left, empowering teams to move quickly without sacrificing security.

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