
Building Prime Security

As security professionals and technical leaders we’ve experienced the main pain in developing products. The constant struggle of balancing development velocity with security needs. Through it all, one thing became clear, many security challenges could be prevented given the right context at the design phase of the SDLC. Too often, security comes in at the last minute, scrambling to apply fixes after development is complete, leaving both teams frustrated and out of sync.

Sure, security exists in the SDLC today, but it starts to scale when code is written. You can scan for dependencies, catch bugs, and identify vulnerabilities. But Product Security shouldn’t start with code scanning; it needs to start with design. It’s not just about applying processes or enforcing policies; it’s about influencing decisions before a single line of code is written. Security teams need actionable insight into what’s being built and why, from the earliest stages. But extracting that insight is challenging, scaling it across fast-paced teams is even harder, and making it stick while everyone’s sprinting to meet deadlines can feel nearly impossible.

That’s why we built Prime Security. To truly integrate security into modern development, it has to start at the design phase, not after. We’re not here to slow development down; we’re here to give security engineering teams superpowers so they can support developers to make smarter decisions, faster - embedding security directly into their workflows.

With our unique business and security context extraction engine, Prime Security automates risk assessments and generates tailored mitigation recommendations, ensuring that security isn’t just an afterthought, but a partner in the development process. Prime brings hard-won insights from security professionals right to the point where they’re needed most. This isn’t about adding friction; it’s about unlocking development velocity without compromising on security.

This is the future of Product Security: practical, scalable, and context-driven decisions, integrated from day one. With Prime, security and development teams can truly build securely from the start, setting a new standard for scalable, design-first security. We’ve lived through these challenges, and we’re here to solve them, for good.

Michael, Dimitry, Danny, Matan

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